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Welcome to the Sacred Oils course, a special bonus for Mary Magdalene Priestesses.

As a participant, you'll receive monthly emails with links to the modules and accompanying meditations.

Mary Magdalene, known as a myrrh bearer (Myrrhophore), anointed Jesus’s feet—a testament to her role as a healer, mystic, and spiritual leader. In 2023, she inspired the creation of this Sacred Oils course as a bonus for the Magdalene Priestesses. Since sacred oils were a significant part of her healing work, she will guide us in selecting and using these oils for healing the Mind, Body, Soul, and the New Earth.


We are the New Earth Sisterhood for the 5D, and while we have many tools for healing, oils and flower essences remain essential.


This Ten Sacred Oils Course is self-led and designed to complement your journey through the Priestess Course. 


As a participant, you will receive an oil for each module to use personally.

Mary Magdalene Mystical Sacred Oils - Introduction

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